Thursday 19 June 2008

Oneal Gets Candid About Drug Problems On Street Corner

A candid TATUM O'NEAL staged an impromptu press conference on the streets of New York on Wednesday (04Jun08) after she was cornered by cameramen and journalists quizzing her about her drug arrest.

The embattled actress has been charged with seventh-degree criminal possession of a controlled substance after cops caught her exchanging money with a dealer three blocks from her home.

But rather than run away from her problems, O'Neal chose to address the media members who followed her out of her home of Wednesday afternoon, and then stopped to chat with them as she waited on a street corner for a taxi.

The 44-year-old said, "Every day is a great day if I'm not using," before insisting, "I have peace in my life, I made a mistake... I have a very good life. I made a bad mistake and unfortunately I'm well known and this is what happens."

O'Neal also told the gathered press that she was attending a 12-step drug abuse program daily, adding "That's really helping."

The actress concluded her 10 minute street corner chat by telling the media members, "It's an everyday struggle and you try to do the best that you can and some days, unfortunately, it doesn't pan out the way you'd like it too."

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